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Friday, March 25, 2011

Is a Vegan Diet Safe for Kids?

Friday, March 25, 2011

There are many who believe that a strict vegan diet is a wonderful way to stay healthy for adults, but many are starting to question whether a strictly vegan diet is good for children under the age of 18 years old.

Children need quite a few vitamins and minerals as they are growing up and their bodies need certain things to stay healthy. While some may say that you can get everything you need from a strictly vegetable diet, this may not be the case.

On the other hand, vegan diets typically have lots of fruits and vegetables as their base. These are things kids with a "normal" diet usually don't get enough of every day. So when you weigh this, there may be a pro side to vegan diets for children.

The most important thing is to consult with a health professional and make sure that your child is getting everything their body needs as they grow. If you do this, you are going to make sure that they are happy and healthy growing up - no matter what type of diet they have.

Some parents wouldn't think of having their children follow an all vegan diet, but others would have it no other way. When it comes down to it, the safety of the child should be the most important thing.

Some even go as far as to avoid all dairy products for various reasons, which raises concerns that children may not be getting everything they need - if they don't take vitamin supplements at least.

According to the Guardian UK, "Vegan children can be deficient in vitamin D, calcium, iron and possibly vitamin B12, so they need supplements.”

Sometimes, however, the best thing is to get nutrients from natural foods.

Whatever you decide for your child, just make sure that they are getting everything their body needs to thrive. A vegan diet for a kid might not be the worst thing in the world if you go about it smartly. Eating more vegetables is definitely a good thing.

Information is really the key to making sure your child is safe no matter what type of diet they have. From vegan to a typical American diet, there are few that eat as healthy as they should. For growing kids, eating healthy is extremely important.

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Interesting Facts About Japan

Sunday, March 20, 2011
1. Raw horse meat is a popular food in Japan.

2. Sometimes the trains are so crowded railway staff are employed to cram passengers inside.

3. Japanese celebrate Christmas, but it is more like Valentine's Day in the western world.

4. Poorly written English can be found everywhere, including T-shirts and other fashion items.
5. More than 70% of Japan consists of mountains, including more than 200 volcanoes.

6. Mt. Fuji, the tallest mountain in Japan, is an active volcano.

7. Many Japanese do not know the difference between Shintoism and Buddhism.

8. A nice musk melon, similar to a cantaloupe, may sell for over $300US.

9. There are four different writing systems in Japan, romaji, katakana, hiragana, and kanji.

10. Coffee is very popular and Japan imports approximately 85% of Jamaica's annual coffee production.

11. Japan's literacy rate is almost 100%.

12. Sumo is Japan's national sport, although baseball is also very popular.

13. Sumo wrestlers eat a stew called Chankonabe to fatten up. Many restaurants in the Ryogoku district of Tokyo serve this nabe (Japanese word for stew).

14. Many toilets in Japan have a built-in bidet system for spraying your backside.

15. When you use the restroom in some one's home, you should put on special bathroom slippers so as not to contaminate the rest of the home.

16. Noodles, especially soba (buckwheat), are slurped very loudly when eaten. It is often said slurping symbolizes the food is delicious, but the slurping also serves to cool down the hot noodles for eating.

17. Japan is the world’s largest consumer of Amazon rain forest timber.

18. Vending machines in Japan sell beer, hot and cold canned coffee, cigarettes, and other items.

19. When moving into an apartment it is often required to give the landlord a "gift" of money equal to two months' rent.

20. There are around 1,500 earthquakes every year in Japan.

21. It is not uncommon to eat rice at every meal, including breakfast.
22. Average life expectancy in Japan is one of the highest in the world. Japanese people live an average of 4 years longer than Americans.

23. Japan is the largest automobile producer in the world.

24. The Japanese language has thousands of foreign loan words, known as gairaigo. These words are often truncated, e.g. personal computer = paso kon. The number of foreign loan words is steadily increasing.

25. Tsukiji market in Tokyo is the world's largest fish market.

26. Although whaling is banned by the IWC, Japan still hunts whales under the premise of "research". The harvested whale meat ends up in restaurants and supermarkets.

27. Some men in Japan shave their heads to apologize.

28. Some women in Japan cut their hair after breaking up with a boyfriend.

29. Tokyo has had 24 recorded instances of people either killed or receiving serious skull fractures while bowing to each other with the traditional Japanese greeting.

30. The first novel, The Tale of Genji, was written in 1007 by a Japanese noble woman, Murasaki Shikibu.

31. The term karaoke means "empty orchestra" in Japanese.

32. In a Sumo training "stable" the junior rikishi Sumo wrestlers must wash and bathe their senior sumo wrestlers and make sure their hard to reach places are clean.

33. Contrary to popular belief, whale meat is not a delicacy in Japan. Many Japanese dislike the taste and older Japanese are reminded of the post-World War II period when whale meat was one of the few economical sources of protein.

34. In their effort to make things cute and cuddly rampant inbreeding of dogs has resulted in one of the highest rate of genetic defects in the world for canines.

35. Raised floors help indicate when to take off shoes or slippers. At the entrance to a home in Japan, the floor will usually be raised about 6 inches indicating you should take off your shoes and put on slippers. If the house has a tatami mat room its floor may be rasied 1-2 inches indicating you should to take off your slippers.

36. Ramen noodles are a popular food in Japan and it is widely believed extensive training is required to make a delicious soup broth. This is the subject of the movies Tampopo (1985) and The Ramen Girl (2008).

37. On average, it takes about 7-10 years of intensive training to become a fugu (blowfish) chef. This training may not be needed in the future as some fish farms in Japan are producing non-poisonous fugu.

38. Ovens are not very common in Japanese kitchens, but most households own a rice cooker.

39. Geisha means "person of the arts" and the first geisha were actually men.

40. It was customary in ancient Japan for women to blacken their teeth with dye as white teeth were considered ugly. This practice persisted until the late 1800's.

41. In ancient Japan, small eyes, a round puffy face, and plump body were considered attractive features.

42. Some traditional Japanese companies conduct a morning exercise session for the workers to prepare them for the day's work

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Most Expensive Mobile Phone in the World

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

You cannot believe its price! The price of this phone is 5 million pounds. English jewel designer gave this phone a name ‘iPhone-4’ and it was occurred with 500 numbers of diamonds include 100 carats.

Stuart Hudges (38), lives in Liverpool, in England, designed this gorgeous mobile phone on the order of a businessman known as an Australian billionaire.
In this mobile phone, two diamond ‘home’ buttons, each worths 2 million pounds, are available. Also, they can be changed with each other! In addition to its fascinating image, it has latest technology.

Diamond designer Hudges was introduced world’s most expensive mobile phone with the media. Hudges dealt with it since 2003.

Hudges said, ‘while preparing this mobile phone, I was so excited’, and added, ‘I could not suppose that people would get used to use it since it was so expensive’.

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Newly Released Video of the Tsunami and the Search for Survivors in Japan

Video from Iwate prefecture shows the wave rolling over a seawall, inundating a large city. In another video report, three elderly people are rescued from a car 20 hours after the disaster. For complete coverage, visit http://www.pbs.org/newshour

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DORAEMON lies in front of destroyed house

A toy lies in front of a destroyed house in the devastated city of Ofunato. Rescue teams from the US, Britain and China began assisting in the search for survivors following the devasting earthquake and ensuing tsunami on March 11

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